The Website Basics Bundle

The Website Basics Bundle

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The Website Basics Bundle includes two templates:

  • The Privacy Policy

  • The Website Terms & Conditions

These are the two essential templates for any website owner.

Did you know that if you are collecting any sort of information on users of your site, you must have a privacy policy? “Must”, meaning it’s a federal law? Not only that, but the newly-mandated GDPR and CCPA laws also require that you have a privacy policy in place anywhere that you are collecting “personal data”.

Terms and Conditions are one of the foundational elements of your website- it’s a contract between you and the user of your site. While not a federal requirement, I make sure all of my clients have a Terms and Conditions on their website, along with a privacy policy.

If you were to purchase each of these templates individually at their regular price, they would cost $630, meaning:

You save $55 when purchasing these 2 templates together in this bundle.

  • This bundle includes two legal templates, the Privacy Policy & the Website Terms & Conditions. Below is a breakdown of what is included in each of these 2 templates.


    Which sites and social media platforms are covered by the policy

    Notification of collection of site visitors personal information

    Which personal information may be collected

    How the personal information is used

    Where servers and information are located and stored

    List of rights for EU citizens under the GDPR and where complaints may be made

    What cookies are and why they are needed

    Your policy with minors and how minors may or may not use your website

    How long data is kept on file for

    If you will or will not share users information with others

    How your visitors may request access to the information you have for them

    How personally identifiable information versus non-personally identifiable information is used and shared

    Notice of privacy rights to California residents

    Limitations on your responsibility for visitor information

    Statement on your ability to change the policy


    Which websites the terms cover and statement that by visitors using the website, they agree to the terms

    Who owns the content on the website

    Who retains the intellectual property rights

    What happens if there’s content posted on your site that infringes on a third parties copyright rights

    The process a visitors must take if they believe their content/copyrighted materials are on your website

    Policies around others linking to your site

    Your policies on advertising and links to other businesses (eg. you are not liable for companies you link to or availability of products you link to)

    Disclaimer and limitation of liability for you, the website owner

    Which state laws applies to your website

    Under which states laws your website falls under and in which any disputes would be resolved

    What site visitors may do and who to contact if they have concerns about your site

  • If you have a website, consider both of the templates in this bundle essential.

    No matter what type of business you run, what website platform you use, or wether or not you’re actually generating income from your website, these two templates are a necessity.

    Every website owner (& blogger) should have these two templates on the ‘Legal’ page of their site.

  • Instant access to:

    • An instruction guide on how to edit & use your template

    • Your legal template in .docx format which may be edited in any word processor or Google Docs

    • Highlighted sections and instructions in the template on how to properly customize it to your business



We passed the bar so you don’t have to

Customize your template, no law degree required


instantly download

Instantly access your template and instructor guide. Learn all about customizing the template to your business with our simple instructions.

edit and customize

Swap out the demo content and examples for your own business name, pricing package options, location, etc.

use confidently

Pop the completed contract into your CRM or on your site. Then sleep soundly knowing you and your business are legally well taken care of.



Editing your template is as simple as ...


The Creative Law Shop Customizable Contracts for Creatives


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