How to Use Our Lifetime Access Portal

We’re answering your questions about the Creative Law Shop’s® new lifetime access portal.

As you may have heard, at the end of 2019 we launched a brand new service to uplevel our customer experience: a “lifetime access” portal for each and every customer. This launch has been a labor of love, but we believe that this will be an important resource for customers who are truly trying to build the most legally sound businesses possible. 

Our portal is still very new, and understandably, some recurring questions have arisen, which we have addressed below. If you have any questions about your portal, please refer back to this post before emailing us- we will be continuously updating this post as the process evolves, and hope to answer your questions for you! 


Lifetime portal access faqs

1. Where can I find the portal? Here. Go to the link in our footer at any time, and you will also be able to find the link directly!

2. I’m not sure what my password is for the portal. You can find the link to set your password here.

3. I signed in, but I don’t see all of my past purchases in my portal. At this point, all of your purchases should show up in your portal. However, we have had to manually upload each and every customer and past purchase into the portal, so if you believe a mistake has been made, please forward us your purchase confirmation receipt to email address and we'll handle it. Also - please use the ORIGINAL purchase email to log in. We have found that some customers have multiple email addresses that they've purchased under, so each email will house the appropriate purchases. We are unable to differentiate what email addresses you purchased under originally vs what you use now.

4. I’m getting an invalid login code when I log in: If you were one of our original purchasers (when our website was hosted on a different platform), you may run into this issue. However, do not worry- we will get you taken care of. Please follow the exact same instructions in answer #3.  

5. How often will you be updating templates? Only on an “as needed” basis, which is solely at the discretion of Shop ownership. Templates will not be arbitrarily updated, nor will we be able to capitulate with requests to have contract language added in that will suit individual business needs. While we work diligently to create the most all-encompassing, protective templates that we can, these are, at the end of the day, templates. Opening up our lifetime access portal does not create an attorney-client relationship with any customer, nor does it change the fact that we are a Shop and not a law firm. We regularly turn questions we receive into blog posts, and we encourage you to browse through our posts to see if any posts can be useful for you and your business. 

6. Will my “other” contracts be updated along with new state laws? This is a great question. In short, no. We are not authorized (ethically) to dispense state-specific advice. The new California privacy laws brought this question to light recently, as California passed other contractor-related laws around the same time. While we were able to (again, ethically), add in required provisions to our privacy policy, we are not able to create California-specific contractor agreements, for example. New laws (such as the GDPR) will most frequently affect templates such as our website agreements; however, we anticipate most other changes to other templates, if any, to be in the nature of business feedback from clients in our law firm (which is a separate entity), or what we believe to be in the best interest of customers based upon repeated feedback. Again, this is at our sole discretion, and we will work hard to ensure that we are providing you with strong templates while remaining within our own ethical parameters. 

7. Will the portal be available if I haven’t purchased from the Shop before? This is only available to our customers. Upon purchasing, you will be automatically added.


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